ชื่อเรื่อง/Title Peace Resolution : A Case Study of Separatist and Terrorist Movement in Southern Border Provinces of Thailand / การแก้ไขปัญหาโดยสันติวิธี : กรณีศึกษาขบวนการแบ่งแยกดินแดนและการก่อการร้ายในจังหวัดชายแดนภาคใต้ของประเทศไทย
     บทคัดย่อ/Abstract The Malay Kingdom of Pattani was annexed into the Kingdom of Thailand after a long war. The regine was authoritative and the policies and the implementation aimed at nationalism. The Malay Muslims were not allowed to maintain their identities. As a result, some Malay Muslims were up against such policies. This led to the period of genocide against Malay Muslim leaders, which then caused the separatist and terrorist movement.
The Thai Government has redefined and redirected its policies towards the Malay Muslims in the southern border provinces of Thailand by accepting cultural differences and encouraging them to participate in the community development projects aiming at improving the quality of life and economic situations, enhanced by the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle Project. Although the policies have reduces the terrorists activities, within this globalization, there are still some threats in the form of ideological warfare without arms through the Internet.
Now, the "Way of Peace" has been put into operation by the Thai Government, especially those responsible agencies for the national security. It can be said that the problems of different identities in the sounthern border provinces of Thailand have been solved by peaceful means in favour of democratic patterns.

NameChidchanok Rahimmura
Organization Prince of Songkha University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
     กลุ่มหัวเรื่อง: ด้านการเมืองการปกครอง
Name:Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus
     Year: 2003
     Type: บทความ/Article
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